Image credit: Agwired

I spent most of last week in Kansas City with more than 100 farmers and agriculture professionals, learning to better utilize social media when sharing our stories. We had a great week catching up with everyone, many were first time contacts IRL (in real life). It’s a pretty neat experience to network with someone via social media and eventually meet them face to face.

We had a great turn out at the AgChat Foundation Conference Swap Meet. I’m not sure exactly how many folks showed up, but states from coast to coast, and even Canada were represented. Attendees brought food and other products that represent agriculture in their respective regions. These ranged from Wisconsin cheese to California vegetables, North Dakota honey to Bacon shirts from Iowa and even a small bale of cotton from Texas or peanuts from Georgia! It really was a great sight to see. So many people, passionate about agriculture, swapping items and knowledge like trading souvenir pens at a trade show.

It was amazing to see the diversity in agriculture products from across the States. Even when several people from one state were present, their items were all different.

From Tennessee, I brought a few guilty pleasures of mine – Moon Pies and Sun Drop. Both were smaller portion sizes so I could afford to give more away. I also brought rice from Arkansas to represent the largest group of rice producers in the country!

Below are a few of the photos captured of items at the swap meet. More images of the conference can be seen from AgWired on flickr.

If you had to select one or two items to represent food, fiber, or fuel agriculture products from your area, what would you select?

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